Abstracts typed within the Abstract Submission Form should be submitted by E-mail until 1st July, 2014.
The abstract should be written with letter size 10 pt.
Name your MS Word file as follows: “Last Name.doc” or “Last Name.docx”
The number of short oral presentations (10 min) will be limited. The organizers will therefore feel free to suggest that instead of a short oral presentation, the author prepares a poster presentation.
Receipt of the Abstract will be confirmed. Authors will be informed about the acceptance of the abstract after the submission deadline.
The Book of Abstracts will be distributed upon arrival to the Meeting.
TITLE OF ABSTRACT in capital letters (bold)
First and last name(s) of author(s) (presenting author underlined)
Affiliation(s) (italic, letter size 10 pt)
E-mail of the presenting author (letter size 10 pt).
Text (max. 2500 characters including spaces). Please avoid tables or figures within the text.
• Poster maximum size: Height: 1.20 m, Width: 0.90 m
• The poster must be written in English.
• Please, note that the format of your poster is Portrait format.
• Fixation material will be provided on the site.
• All posters should be mounted until the first poster session on Thursday, 25th of September, and according to the poster number stated in the List of posters in the Book of Abstracts (obtained upon registration).